ワーシップとウェディング 3 ワーシップ
Music for Worship and Weddings
著者名 : Susann McDonald and Linda Wood
出版社 : musicworks
ジャンル : ペダルハープソロ、ペダルハープ曲集
演奏レベル : 中級
楽器 : ペダルハープ
ページ数 : 25
収載内容 :
1.Spirit of god、Descend upon my heart/Frederick Atkinson
2.Let us break bread together/Traditional american spiritual
3.Jesus、the very thought of thee/John B.Dykes
4.When I survey the wond'rous cross/Lowell Mason
5.Were you there?/Black American spiritual
6.Just as I am/William
7.Breathe on me、Breath of god/Robert Jackson
8.Just As I Am/Robert Jackson
9.Children of the heavenly father/Swedish Folksong
10.In the garden/C.Austin Miles
11.Beneath the cross of jesus/Frederick Maker
12.Kum-ba-yah/Traditional African Melodys
13.What a friend/Charles Converse